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Black/Gold Quadrennial Banquet

Rev. Dr. Anthony N. Witherspoon (Chairperson)

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The Black & Gold Banquet designates a time to honor and appreciate our Bishop for his leadership and sacrifices rendered to our Episcopal Area

Banquet Ticket Details:

Each church is responsible for 3 banquet tickets

Tickets are $100 and not included in conference registration.  Pricing also applies to seniors and children. 

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Contact the designated point person to purchase tickets.  They will advise you of the area's method of payment.  They will also note your food choice and provide a confirmation email of paid ticket once verified with treasurer.  There will be no physical tickets but a place card with your food choice will be available for pick up prior to the banquet.

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Food place cards will be provided prior to the banquet near the conference registration.  We are asking all attendees to collect food place cards during the dates and times below:



Friday - 12:00pm-3:00pm

Saturday - 9:00am-11:00am

Each area will have a designated point person to keep track of people in their area who have purchased tickets.  They are as follows:


Dr. Lori Holmes - Michigan

                          Email - Rev3939@gmail.com

                          Phone -  708-704-1624

Dr. Cleo Brooks - Tennessee

                           Email - cbjr412@gmail.com

                           Phone - 910-975-3114


Ms. Deborah Johnson - Indiana


                         Phone - 618-204-7890

Rev. Marcell Brown - Missouri

                         Email - marcell518@gmail.com

                         Phone - 816-699-9037


Rev. Roscoe Linton - Kentucky


                         Phone - 502-331-5351