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Rev. George W.C. Walker, Jr. - MI


Good evening to each of you and Thank you for becoming a member of the MWED Mega Conference Choir.  

Listed below are links to the various music pieces that are on our listing of songs for the week.

Please begin now to listen to these songs (most of them you are probably familiar with).  

Someone in your area may also reach out to you to schedule a group rehearsal -- if possible. However, there are rehearsals scheduled onsite at the Mega Conference. This information will be shared soon, along with a basic attire listing for the evening services.  

If you have any questions / concerns, please feel free to reach out to Rev. George Walker, Jr., Chairman of the Mega Conference Choir. (gwcwtwo@gmail.com)  

Also, we are still looking for others to become a part of this great Mega Choir -- just advise them to sign-up the same way you did. Thanks and be blessed.


Mrs. Gwen Johnson

on behalf of Rev. George Walker, Jr.


Calling all SINGERS!! The Mid-West Episcopal District Mass Choir is seeking persons to participate with the choir at the 2024 MWED MEGA Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, May 28 - June 2, 2024. All persons interested, please sign up:


Mega Conference Choir Songs

Let's Worship In Song Together!

Tuesday Evening

Wednesday Evening

(Missouri Conf and Tennessee Conf)

Alternate songs for Wednesday

Thursday Evening

(Indiana District Choir)

Friday Evening

(Michigan Conference)

Sunday Morning Worship